Building a Europe of regions for the future

More than a hundred Alsatians joined EFA to learn more about our pan-European campaign at our event last week in Haguenau

On Tuesday, April 16, EFA Spitzenkandidatin Maylis Roßberg and EFA President Lorena López de Lacalle were in Haguenau, Alsace, to explain EFA’s vision for a Europe for All. More than a hundred people joined us to learn about EFA values and our pan-European campaign and also to raise their voices and explain the region’s needs and views for the future of the EU.  

The event was presented and moderated by Maxence Helfrich, representing Unser Land, our party in Alsace. He explained the importance of having EFA’s representation in the EU institutions for people from regions whose needs are not normally listened to. “It is very important that all regions are represented in the European Parliament. These elections are key for increasing the diversity in the EU institutions”, he said. “Europe is much more than its 27 states, it is a full range of peoples and regions whose needs are different than those in the capitals. We are here to make our voices heard and to bring our ideas to reimagine an EU for all”, added Lorena López de Lacalle.

EFA’s message is important for these European elections. Unlike those who do not dare to make brave steps to build a more democratic EU and those who only propose to move backward and break the European promise, EFA is the necessary voice that pushes to move forward with the EU project: a more democratic Europe, that values its diversity and where everyone feels represented. EFA Spitzenkandidatin Maylis Roßberg explained: “I understand when people are frustrated about the EU, but now is the time to stand together for a democratic and diverse Europe. The far-right offers no viable solutions. They threaten our future. A diverse, democratic, and sustainable future”.